
Mini Jam 160

Our First Game Jam

I participated in the Mini Jam 160 with Alex and Reyhan.

Reyhan and I came up with the idea for defend the light using Samsung notes and some scribbles. The theme was Light and the limitation was Speed is Key. So the idea of protecting the light producing birds from demon dogs just made sense.


I acted a game design lead, and Reyhan and Alex were both primarily programmers. Alex did a lot of the beatifying of the final game as well. We all only had a few hours here and there to work on the project so I am very happy with how it turned out. I would like to come back to this project in the future to iron out some of the kinks.

What went wrong

Not having a lot of time impacted the scope of the game massively and what we were able to work on. Not having an artist meant I had to grab a lot of assets from the Unity store. Finally, when trying to implement a second camera to make sure the scary face was always visible, I managed to break the whole game. I was then able to go back through the repository to find the break and revert it.

What to do next time

Try find a jam that we are all more available for. Maybe trying to find an artist, and implement some more checking so I don’t break the project just before launch.

The project

The game can be played here: DefentTheLight
The repo can be found here: MiniJam160

1Initial commit
2Adding Unity Proj
3Local Build
4Confirming WebGL Build
5Create build.yml
6Added basic game play elements
Super basic player movement
Basic bird movement and light
Basic evil dog movement, attack and light
Basic environmental lighting
Really bad camera controls
Health bar that decreases while you are out of light
8Dog spawning
Added the begging of spawning dogs in random positions. Fixed some errors.
9Please someone fix the movement
10Fixing build error
11Fixed player movement & moved bird movement code to FixedUpdate too.
12Creating main game loop
Game loop
Better dog movement
Improved code independence
Imported some more stuff
13Adding FMOD
14Adding BMG
15Added End sequence
The scary face will now rush the player
16Adding banks to proj
17Adding Post Processing Components
Cannot get Post processing working again but I have added all the things we need if someone can figure it out.
18Added running out of health lose condition
19Got boids working to some extent.
20Fixed lighting issues with webgl, Fixed sword off screen, Moved bird down light to show the shadow, Made elements in the scene larger, Added black fog.
21Fixed post processing
22Vignette now changes instead of 4 textues when in the dark.
23Improving gameplay loop
24Merge branch ‘main’ of
25Made scary face faster.
26Added enviroment and changed some lighting.
27Added dog
Added an animated bear for the dogs rather than just having cubes moving around.
28Merge branch ‘main’ of
29The player now lunges forward a little when attacking.
30Added new player controller
31Sword collider is larger.
32Fixed the dog model and collider.
33Adding some debugging and improved ending
34Fixed some bird stuff.
35Getting ready for final builds
36Added models for enviroment.
37Fixing what I broke
38Cleaning up the Proj
39Adding FMOD Proj
This post is licensed under CC BY 4.0 by the author.